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Есть сервер дедик на nginx. Администрация сервера забрасывает письмами, в которых насколько я понимаю она жалуется, что на сервере торчит наружу Redis или memcached и просит это исправить. Насколько я понимаю надо настроить фаервол (iptables), чтоб оно не торчало наружу. Видимо нужно закрыть для подключений извне все порты кроме 80, 22 и какие там еще используются. Но я не уверен и вообще не умею настраивать фаервол. Тут нужна помощь специалиста.

Вот собственно текст письма, который приходит от администрации:

Dear Sir or Madam

Memcached[1] is an open source cache server which is used to store and

retrieve data from memory easily. Memcached is frequently used in

connection with web applications. The memcached server does not support

any authentication, so that attackers have unrestricted access to the data

stored in the cache if the server is reachable from the Internet. This

makes it possible for attackers to potentially spy out information from

the systems which are affected, such as login data for web applications

or other confidential content.

Memcached servers have been identified by the Shadowserver 'Open Memcached

Key-Value Store Scanning Project'[2] which are openly accessible from the


We are sending you the following list of affected systems in your net area.

The timestamp (UTC time zone) shows when the system was checked and when

an open memcached server was identified.

We kindly request that you examine the situation and take measures to

safeguard the memcached servers on the systems concerned or inform your

customer accordingly.


[1] Memcached

[2] Shadowserver: Open Memcached Key-Value Store Scanning Project

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