BreezeE is a multinational company located in Estonia with the group of IT specialists in Ukraine.

Using our creative vision, highly professional skills, solid team and

individual approach to every client, we will make your project exactly

the way you see it within the arranged period of time.

We execute the projects of different complexity in Programming

(С/С++/С#), Web Programming (PHP/MySQL/JavaScript/HTML/Ajax/CSS3/JQuery),

Design (2D/3D/Game/Advertisement/ Animation ), Web Design (Websites, Images,

Templates etc.), Game Development.

Due to our competence in languages, we are working with the customers

from all over the globe and are able to carry out a project in English,

German, Russian or Ukrainian languages.

If you want to have a high quality and performance, creative ideas,

pleasant collaboration, quick responses and reasonable prices – do work

with us!

  • Необходим PHP скрипт обработчик большого количества текстовых файлов. Каждый файл содержит ~100000 строк данных, таких файлов ~10000. Формат входных данных в строке email:text Необходимо: 1. автоматизировать массовый импорт 2. ключевое поле - Email 3. исключить дублированные записи 4. иметь возможность отсортировать записи ...

    3 года назад