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Пример текста:


Packaging Format

1.3 The Product is currently being packaged in specially-designed boxes containing 21 pieces of chocolate. The Parties have commenced discussions regarding the use of further packaging styles including: (a) boxes containing 30 pieces of chocolate; (b) boxes containing 60 pieces of chocolate; and (c) packs to be transferred by the Distributor into other types of packaging proposed by the Distributor and approved by CCT. Unless later agreed to the contrary, the Distributor will be responsible for producing and paying for all Product packaging designed or modified expressly for the Territory, the design of which must be approved by CCT in advance and in writing. In addition to the information and format required by the laws in force in the Territory, all packaging and information leaflets developed by the Distributor for the territory must include:

Regulatory Issues

1.4 The Distributor will be responsible for all approvals in the Territory, and will obtain and pay for all regulatory aspects associated with the Product in the Territory, including without limitation:

(a) changes to the packaging and marketing materials required by the laws of the Territory, with special reference to changes relating to the specific Product claims permitted in the Territory. All said changes are subject to CCT’s prior approval;

(b) other changes CCT and/or the Distributor (with CCT’s consent) deem appropriate, bearing in mind the special requirements of the market in the Territory; and

(c) changes required in order to specify that the Product is a “halal” product by placement of the appropriate logo on the Product packaging (that is, in compliance with the relevant Islamic laws in the Territory).

The Parties will discuss in good faith the most appropriate way of amending the packaging of the product to satisfy the requirements of the relevant laws in the Territory. Any and all changes must be submitted to CCT for its prior approval. CCT will not reject any change required by law in order to be able to sell the Product in the Territory.

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37 летРоссия
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Выбранный исполнитель
32 годаУкраина
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4 дня
Работа выполнена качественно и в срок. Никаких нареканий, спасибо Алексею!
Все оперативно, получил четкое ТЗ, по выполнении сразу получил оплату, осталось приятное впечатление как о толковом заказчике. Рекомендую!
Заявки фрилансеров
32 годаУкраина
11 лет в сервисе
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9 лет назад