2002 – present. Elprime Software Inc. Engineer. Developed free software program Elprime Clock and it shareware analog Elprime Clock Pro.

- 5 years experience with C++;

- 3 years experience with MS Visual C++ 6.0

- 0,5 year experience with MS Visual C++ 7.0

- 3,5 years experience with MFC

- 3 years experience with WinAPI

- 0,5 year experience with MIDL, COM, OLE, ActiveX

- aware of STL and ATL

- learnt Prolog, UML, Java, Unix, .Net, HTML, FoxPro, SQL.

Currently maintain Elprime Clock Pro product and develop two software products – client-server application and component for future sell.


- Window transparency for operation system Windows 98/95.

- Special container in C++ which combine concepts of “smart pointer” containers

and containers for not dynamic objects and variables.

Use Extreme Programming concepts.


1999 – 2004 Uzhhorod Institute of Informatics, Economic and Law

2002, Work : “Program Solution of Linear Differential Equations Using Rica’s Method”

2004, Work : “Program Management of Goniometer Device” ( through LPT port )

Degree : Master of Information management systems and technologies, teacher of informatics.


Foreign languages:

- English (free reading of technical programming documentations including MSDN).

- German (basic).

Use Time Management concepts.