How Should a Modular Motorcycle Helmet Fit?

Even the best motorcycle helmet won’t give you top protection if it isn’t of the right fit. Instead, it might put you at a higher risk of an accident or harm.

Therefore, how should a flip-up helmet fit? And how would you know that it fits you rightly? Read the post to the end and learn the fundamental tips and tests to know if the modular helmet you have put on is comfortable and of the right fit. 

Tips On How a Modular Motorcycle Helmet Should Fit

An ill-fitting helmet is of very little help. And so, every scooter rider must put on a modular helmet that’s comfortable and fits properly. But what if you don’t know how to determine if the convertible helmet you are putting on fits you correctly or not?

Helmet Gurus cares about your safety while riding a bike. A helmet that’s of the right fit should tick the following tests: 

No Space for Your Finger Between the Forehead and the Liner

One trick to knowing the fit of the best modular motorcycle helmet is to first wear it over your head. Then try to insert one finger between the inner lining and your forehead or temple. If it’s of the correct fit then there shouldn’t be a space that accommodates your finger. So, if your finger can push through, then it isn’t the right fit. 

Pressing Lightly on the Cheeks

Similarly, after wearing check on the cheek pads or lining pressing on the cheek. If the helmet’s size and your head resonate then it should press lightly on the cheek. In other words, if the helmet lining doesn’t touch your cheeks, it means it’s very big. In case of a fall, it endangers rather than protecting your head. 

The Face Shield Must not Touch Your Nose 

With the helmet over your head note the position of your nose and face shield. When you pull down the face shield it should not touch your nose! Further if on pressing the visor it touches your nose, it means the helmet isn’t ideal for you. 

The Helmet Should Not Move Freely or Wobble Over Your Head

It’s easier to detect the fit of the helmet when you are wearing it than while holding it. So put it on, pull down the face shield, and adjust the chin bar. After the adjustment, try moving your head from side to head and then up and down a couple of times.

A modular motorcycle helmet that’s of the right fit should maintain its original position over your head. On the other hand, when it's very big it will wobble and even change position. Thus, you may end up finding that the face shield has moved sideways such that you can’t view ahead. 

Exert Even Pressure all Over your Head 

The best motorcycle helmet that’s of the right fit should give a firm and snug fit over your head. The lining of the helmet should feel comfortable at every point on your head. From the sides, back, and even the chin; it shouldn’t exert undue pressure on one point more than other parts. 

Slightly Demanding to Put On and Off with the Chin Bar Locked in Place

A firm and comfortable helmet should stay put even after experiencing a slight shake. But you don’t have to wait until an accident occurs to know its state.

A loose helmet is almost certain to come off during an impact. Therefore, if it’s of the right fit, you should put it in on or off with a slight struggle with the chin bar locked in position. 

Communication Devices Must Feel Comfortable on You Too

It's easy to find a modular motorcycle helmet that has Bluetooth speakers or an intercom. Such systems make communication easier. However, it shouldn’t come at the cost of your comfort. 

Hence after putting on the flip-up helmet and adjusting the chin bar take note of the position of the communicating devices. The Bluetooth speakers or intercom, should not offer excessive pressure on you. 

10 Minutes Test 

Put on the helmet that you think is the right fit for you. Adjust the strappings and chin bar. After that take note of how long you tolerate it over your head. Generally, you should be able to bear the protective covering on your head for at least 10 minutes when you aren’t riding your motorcycle. 

Other Points to Note About a Modular Motorcycle Helmet

Besides the tests and tips given above, there are other vital points to know about the fit and comfort level of a helmet.

That includes:

Check out for at least a DOT certification mark. Other certifications include SNELL and ECE

Note the number of vents. A stuffy helmet gets uncomfortable pretty fast. 

If possible, settle for the helmet that you can operate while wearing gloves

How to Get the Best Modular Helmet of the Right Fit

There are particular steps that you should take to ensure you land the modular helmet of the right fit:

Measure the size of your head correctly. If it gives you a hard time, have your friend assist you.

Know the shape of your head and choose the helmet that corresponds to that.

Use the measurement as a guide to choosing a flip-flap helmet that suits you.

Try out different brands till you get the hood that gives you a snag fit. 

Therefore, How Should a Modular Motorcycle Helmet Fit?

The fit of a modular motorcycle helmet is vital. But the initial step to finding that comfortable helmet is knowing the shape and size of your head. Then you use those measurements to get the helmet of the same specifications. 

Try out different brands till you find the brand that’s of the right fit and feels comfortable. That is:

It leaves no space between the lining and the temple

Doesn’t wobble or move when you shake your head

Feels slightly demanding to wear on and off

Presses onto your cheeks slightly

Offers equal and even pressure all over your head

And while doing so, don't forget to check on its certification marks. Helmet Gurus stocks comfortable and reliable helmets of various sizes and shapes. Thus, you are more likely to find your corresponding matching helmet. 

⇨ RELATED: Saving Your Money with the Best Modular Motorcycle Helmet