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Предмет:менеджментТема:*Designing the innovation processТребования к работе:кейс во вложении описание задания ниже Обратите внимание, пожалуйста, что нужно сделать в двух форматах Creating Value Trough Operations Subject: Designing the innovation process PPT format – shortly, not more then 6-7 slides Word format – could be more detailed In the BMW case we want to discuss i) how to reduce life-cycles? (we haveher a mix a technological means -CAD, 3D printers and organizational means -concurrent engineering) and ii) how we make the change happen? BMW serves to focus on these: what is best for them, progressive change (ie, start with the series 3 station wagon, as this is a low volume, low risk car), or radical change (start to the series 7, the "flagship" of BMW (their most important car, this will be the high risk option) The general structure of report should be: ∙  History or Introduction or general overview ∙  Problem ∙  Analysis ∙  Recommendations As for the order it will be better to suggest in your report the means (technological and organizational) that were available at the time of the case (no 3D printers then), first, and after we have these clear move to the implementation part: to make the company accept the new methods (which implies important organizational changes) will it be better to go with the Series 3 Satation wagon, or with the Series 7

8 лет назад
33 годаРоссия
8 лет в сервисе
8 лет назад