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Разработано 11 векторных бэграундов, сплеш экран - растовый, UI. Флэш хелп.

Have you ever been driving on roaring powerboats? BoatRacing is an easy to control but addictive racing game for your iPhone and iPad. In this game you can check and develop your reaction skills and become a best boat racer in the world. You will have six different boats, eleven different locations, sound of your roaring boat and a lot of fun. So, are you ready? Then start!  


✔ Incredibly simple but addictive game.  

✔ User friendly interface. 

✔ Attractive design.

✔ Online world leaderboard.

✔ Boats with different dynamical parameters

✔ 11 different game scenes.

✔ Possibility to share results in social networks.