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ICT is the premier provider of electronics recycling and reselling services for enterprise IT equipment. Headquartered in Woburn, MA, and founded 20 years ago, our small New England business is one of the few e-waste management enterprises that employs full-time engineers and technology market experts. We are well positioned to advise our customers on the best way to handle their retiring IT assets. Our professional team possesses the necessary technical and market expertise to ensure that any IT equipment we receive is properly tested, evaluated, and either resold to recover the maximum residual value or responsibly recycled. Over the years, we have emerged as a trusted provider of electronics recycling solutions for a broad spectrum of customers, ranging from technology companies to corporations to educational institutions. We built our reputation by streamlining our operational processes fine-tuning industry best practices, developing regulatory expertise and building superior knowledge of IT market. We have worked with such clients as: Ahold, Comverse, 3Com, Akamai, Millennium Chemicals, Optos, Tufts Medical Center, and LogMeln.