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The idea of ​​concept personalnazha. Guardian Veles.

God Velez, the patron saint of wisdom and ancient knowledge,creativity. He himself has been taught various magic.

Slavic God Veles knows a lot about different aspects of lifeon earth, from the fact that his fate is not simple. In his character a lot has

come together: there is both light and darkness in it. So Rod himself conceived

when he created the mighty God, able to walk in all three worlds, to understand

the desires of both the Light and Dark Gods, and people.

About Velez tell different tales. And about Veles, Wild, andabout Veles, being evil, and about Veles, Crafty. The only God whose spiritual

tragedy we know from old legends. Walking around worlds, meeting different

people and amazing creatures, Velez became powerful, strong and wise.

Veles can manage events without being tied to somethingmaterial, without being tempted by jewels. Velez knows best of all that money

in the world is nonsense compared to real feelings. Veles knows that no one in

the world appreciates that which is truly valuable. He, who saw the dark and

light side of life, knows that making mistakes is not a sin, but that one can

learn from them and walk boldly through life.

Theguardian of Veles is a being identified with nature. A faceless creature of

magic, instead of a face instead of a wooden mask. Velez guards are also called "

Theycontrol the power of thought, they can instill a traveler who accidentally

wanders through. Guests are given 3 riddles in which they test a person for

sincerity of feelings and kindness. They will let the creative character to

Veles. He who is thirsty to destroy, and who is unable to love will be

destroyed. Own the forces of nature, the category of flora. Call plants. Also, partially transformed into plantsthemselves.