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Прохор подумал, что Приговоренный довольно неплохо ведет

бой, и даже возможно его ждет победа, но рано он понадеялся. Остальные пауки накинулись на несчастных и начали разрывать их....


Meanwhile the next sphere rolled to the gate with another convict. The remaining spiders rushed after the sphere, but this convict chose another strategy. He made his throne move at great speed, and was creating clone Shottles around him while moving. The clones surrounded the throne-chair, protecting the convict, but the spiders’ quantity and power went far beyond the hapless capabilities. The prisoner was forced to rotate his chair to face the enemy, his clones bravely held the fort, but it was evident that the success would not last long. The spiders stroke the right moment when the convict turned away from them risking a stab in his back and smashed the clones’ defense.