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Афродита посмотрела на него так, как будто он спросил что —

то личное. Но тут Прохор заметил, как густой румянец залил ее

щеки. Прохор вдруг захохотал:

- Первый раз вижу чтобы Боги с Олимпа краснели, да что я несу,

я вообще не слышал, чтобы вам было знакомо слово

«стесняться», это твоя очередная уловка?

- Это земляне присвоили нам значение «Боги Олимпа», и заметь,

что описание нашего появления и особенно исчезновения из

строчек истории весьма туманны, а дети, о которых ты

говоришь, их нет, а что должны были появиться? - Она одарила

Прохора таким взглядом, что он сразу решил ей поверить.

- А «твои» в курсе, где ты сейчас? - Его так и пробирало на смех,

она заметив в его глазах веселые искорки, сама рассмеялась.

- Ты наглеешь на глазах!

- Ну где вы там? Пора веселиться! - Алексей звал их в дом.

Прохор держа Афродиту за талию, усмехнулся и закрыл за собой

дверь, оставляя падающему снегу заметать свежие следы.


Aphrodite casted such a glance as if she was deeply moved by the question and Prokhor suddenly noticed her turning scarlet. He burst into laughter:

- My, never thought that Gods of the Olympus can blush! Never thought you even know such feeling as “shyness”. Is that some kind of trick from you?

- Those were the humans who called us “Gods of the Olympus”, and as you know, the story of our entering and especially vanishing from the legends is quite unclear. The kids you mentioned do not exist. Should they, do you think? – she casted another glance, and Prokhor realized he could do nothing but believe her.

- Do your relatives know where you are now? – he could still hardly help from laughing, and Aphrodite couldn’t resist laughter looking at him.

- You are such a bold face!

- Hey there, where are you? Time to have fun! – Aleksey shouted from inside.

Prokhor put his arm around Aphrodite’s waist, grinned contentedly and entered the house, while the soft snow covered their footprints.


- I find it somehow hard to believe that The Aphrodite would come down here, to reverence my humble dwelling.

Besides, I`ve heard that she is one hell of a heartbreaker.

. - Prokhor winked at her.

He showered the packages inside the house.

- Not all that has been written in your school books is all lies. Particularly

about the Olympus and other stories, after all it was written by people. They, as you know, had been

far more away from today's interests.

- I am a common, better say common or garden person, like you named us -

a mortal, a man born of woman, hence you are the princess and so on. So, tell

to me truth. Give it to me straight!. Why do you need me for? Listen, I heard that you have two kids, am I right?.

Aphrodite looked at him as if he has asked

something personal. But then Prokhor noticed that she got crimson tingled her cheeks.

. Prokhor suddenly burst out laughing loudly:

- It is the first time I`ve seen the Goddess from the Mount Olympus gets blushed. What am I saying!? I have never even heard that the Gods of the Mount Olympus

knew the meaning of the word

"shamefacedness". Is it a new trick of yours?

- The earth dwellers named us the «Gods of the Mount Olympus». Mind you that

the description of our entrance and especially disappearance from

the lines of history were rather foggy. As for the children you have mentioned, there are none. Should there be any? - She gave Prokhor that very glance that he decided to believe her at once.

- Does "your God finds God" know where you are at the moment? - He was almost scolding with laughter.

She noticed cheerful sparkles in his eyes to burst out laughing.

- You are getting pretty brazen in front of my very eyes!

- Well, where on earth have you been? It is time to have fun! - Alexey called them inside the house.

Prokhor grinning caught Aphrodite round the middle to close the door behind them.

The air was thick with snow to cover up their steps.