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WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS OF TEACHING DRAFT GEOMETRY AND ENGINEERING GRAPHICS TO FOREIGN STUDENTS?To answer this question, let us briefly remember what are the courses "Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics"and  make a brief overview of methods and didactic principles in teaching.This course is designed for first-year students and introduces them to the basics of descriptive geometry, orthogonal design and design of elementary geometric shapes, positional and metric problems, methods of transforming projections, surfaces and their mutual intersection, engineering graphics standards, dimensioning, images of parts connections, design documentation, computer graphic editors.The main methods and didactic principles in teaching first-year students are:teaching students in English;maximum visualization of examples of work performance;using of teaching materials with step-by-step explanation;specialized tasks in graphic works, close to the future profession;free access to all teaching materials of the course;widespread using of student testing asintermediate control;development of new laboratory work and improvement of previously developed ones, which allows consolidating knowledge of engineering graphics;use of video courses;individual work with students.SO,WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS OF TEACHING DRAFT GEOMETRY AND ENGINEERING GRAPHICS TO FOREIGN STUDENTS?The main problems of teaching foreign students are: •insufficient level of initial knowledge in basic general education disciplines; •a significant difference in teaching methods used in post-Soviet countries and foreign schools and universities; •lack of independent work skills and basic computer training.And also there is a common problem in the differences in the systems of standardization of foreign states, anddifference in terminology.However, it should be noted that certain problems in teaching are relevant not only for foreign students, but also for our students. In this written work, these problems are clearly and specifically outlined.But also it should be noted that foreign students are highly motivated to learn, attentive to their successes and difficulties.The value of this work on problems increases as it includes ways to solve them.Let's say that a step-by-step structure of the lesson is developed here, a scheme of work on testing students, practical exercises on the implementation of typical tasks, a discussion of the implementation and individual work of students.If we take the problem more broadly to solve it, it is proposed,for example,to expand the course of engineering and computer graphics by introducing information about the differences in the systems of standardization of foreign countries in the amount of one or two lectures.Fortunately, today on the Internet there is a significant amount of drawings, specifications and other technical documentation that can serve as a methodological material for the preparation of such lectures.Also, tasks for solving problems include generalizing work, creating a library of foreign textbooks and teaching aids, developing a dictionary-thesaurus system, which will help to quickly and clearly explain complex material.Thus, in solving this problem, a differentiated approach to training was taken as a basis, along with ensuring the comparability of standards of different countries, within the framework of the Bologna process.