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UNBLOCK DOGS is a new original, entertaining and interesting game will make your to understand the beauty of the creative vision of the puzzles. This is your daily gymnastics of the mind. It will allow you to maintain a good tone and improve your mental abilities. UNBLOCK DOGS is a simple and addictive game with different shaped pieces.

Each Puzzle Pack of the game called by name of famous dog breed whose thoughts and behaviors are determined by the form of expression of emotion and high intelligence like a man. All in the game 900 puzzles (100 puzzles in each pack) and a separate 300 expert puzzles in one Package called DOG ACADEMY.

Field blank pieces move on a plane parallel to the free fields and set the round shapes in two blocks rotate around its axis, revealing the free field. The goal is to spend on a diagonal from the bottom to the top of the square shape, freeing the way for the free movement of shapes fields. This is clearly demonstrated in the video clip section "How to play".

You can play on 3 levels : easy, normal and hard. The transition from one Pack to another is carried out in stages. The player must accumulate a total ranking of at least 600 points In each gaming pack. 

DOG ACADEMY is the increased difficulty puzzles generated with the help of a special program under the special procedure. This package of puzzles designed for gifted, scored therefore the game at 9 packages overall rating of at least 6000 points. The game uses stimulants : Rating , depending on the number of moves of the solution and Time as limiting factor.

In DOG ACADEMY additionally introduced the coefficient of intelligence IQ. 

You can replay every level, increasing your ranking, and strive to be among the 45 best achievements listed on the Leaderboard, which will further stimulate you. 

You can spend this addictive game for many hours, enjoying the feeling of joy from making. 

This is only the first version of the game.

Creators of the game do not intend to replicate the same type of options and will create for you new and different options. 

Play this game and have fun. 

We are sure that you will enjoy these puzzles! 

You'll love them just as you love pets!