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Kiev, position: Junior Uplay Tester(QC/QA)

List of some main duties and work obligations:

oTesting: Manual Black/Grey Box, API, Portals GUI, Portals functionality through

GUI, Proxy, Smoke, Functionality and Non-functionality, Input \ Output,

Boundary Output, Table, State Transition, Use Case, Experience-based, Decision

Coverage, Stress Scenarios, Regression, Positive \ Negative testing;

o Gainedexperience working in Agile teams according to Scrum \ Kanban framework;


o Assets(Art, Design, Sound), UI/UX, Localizations, Performance testing ;

o Indevelopment \ on Retail \ on Live testing ;

oCreating and keeping simple Test Cases and Test Suites (Testrail \ Excel) ;

o Online& Offline testing ;

oBug search (Exploration), Investigation, Capturing (repro steps, description,

attachments), Reporting in Jira (Submit, Open, Verification, Closing, …) ;


-        May2019 – February 2020


 Ubisoft - Kiev, position: Junior QC - Game Tester

Projects: “Division 2”,“WatchDogs: Legion

List of some main duties and work obligations:

o Testing: Manual Black Box, Functionality andNon-functionality, Input \ Output, Boundary Output, State Transition, Use Case,

Experience-based, Decision Coverage, Stress Scenarios, Regression, Positive \

Negative testing;

o Acquired Agile mindset ;

o Adapted to Scrum \ Kanban framework;


o Level Art, Level Design, UI/UX, Localization, Audio,Performance testing ;

o Cross-platform (Xbox one, PlayStation 4, PC,Next-Gen, Stadia) testing ;

o Release \ Retail \ Master | Developer \ Distributionprovisioning, release candidate “verification” ;

o Creating and keeping simple Test Cases and TestSuites (Testrail \ Excel) ;

o Solo, Solo Online, Group Online, Solo Online, OnlineMultiplayer testing ;

o Bug search (Explorative), Investigation, Capturing(steps + attachments), Reporting in Jira ;


o Mentoring and onboarding newcomers ;

o Creating onboarding, guiding documentation \instructions ;

o Organizing, holding, providing team events andpresentations ;