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Staff Managment Application for Restaurants

Project Goal

Create staff application form for restaurants and ability for managers to review/approve/reject applications.


Multi-step application form. Applicants register via web form and application collect all information about staff personal details, background, experience and other information. Email confirmation sending to staff and HR manager.

HR manager review pending applications and able to approve or reject requests.

Manager can search staff profile, filter by status, look staff rating. Review staff skills, area of work and experience.

Interfaces for manage disciplinary reports and accident reports.

Site internal mail system. Predective staff search using ajax.

Recording staff medical records, allergies, and medical conditions a particular staff member may suffer from. This information needs to be quickly accessible in case of medical emergency.

Managment can send notifications to staff by email and using SMS Clickatell gateway.

Mass-mail newsletters system with HTML editor.

Application record all communications between staff and managment, for later accessed in case dispute or tracking.