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Developed a cutting-edge mobile application designed for local MobiPower stations exploration and efficient power management during sessions.

Key Features:

📍 Live Station Mapping: Integrated Google Maps for real-time visualization of active and available MobiPower stations, ensuring user convenience and accessibility.

💳 Dynamic Payment Integration: Seamlessly integrated Stripe for secure payment processing based on power usage, allowing users to pay for consumed power based on time and quantity.

🛠️ Real-time Support System: Implemented a real-time support feature, swiftly addressing payment or station issues encountered by users during power sessions.

📱 Effortless Activation: Incorporated a QR code scanner for hassle-free station activation and initiation of power sessions, streamlining the user experience.

This mobile app offers a seamless and user-friendly interface, providing users with easy access to nearby power stations and intuitive tools for efficient power session management.