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Developed a client-oriented mobile application tailored for Barber Shop patrons, enabling them to earn loyalty bonuses through appointments.

Key Features:

📍 Local Barber Shop Mapping: Integrated Google Maps to showcase local Barber Shops, allowing users to locate and access shops conveniently.

🔍 Sophisticated Services Filtering: Implemented complex service filters within the mobile app, enabling users to efficiently search and find specific services offered by Barber Shops.

💳 Payment History & Invoice Preview: Enabled users to access their payment history and view invoices directly within the mobile application, ensuring transparency and easy management.

🔖 QR Code Bonus System: Implemented QR code generation, allowing users to scan and earn bonuses after their appointments, promoting loyalty and rewards.

This mobile app enhances user experience by offering a convenient way to discover local Barber Shops, manage appointments, track payments, and earn loyalty bonuses seamlessly.