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MyBench stands as an innovative platform dedicated to fostering seamless connections between clients and freelancers, equipped with a suite of features tailored for efficient notifications and smooth interaction.

Key Features:

📧 Multi-Channel Notifications: Experience uninterrupted updates through our email and in-app notifications module. Stay informed about new job postings in real-time, ensuring swift engagement and opportunities.

🤖 Telegram Bot Integration: Engage effortlessly with our Telegram bot, notifying freelancers and clients promptly about new job postings. This feature ensures instant updates and active participation.

📊 Efficient CSV Import/Export: Simplify job posting interaction with our intuitive CSV import/export functionality. Seamlessly handle data to expedite and streamline your interaction with postings.

🔧 Automated Deployment with GitHub Actions: Our automated deployment setup via GitHub Actions guarantees hassle-free and consistent updates. Benefit from smooth, automated deployment to DigitalOcean droplets, ensuring operational efficiency.

MyBench redefines the connection dynamics between clients and freelancers. Offering robust notifications, user-friendly data handling, and automated deployment, our platform aims to elevate the user experience and foster productive engagements between clients and freelancers.