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Developed a robust web platform aimed at streamlining the collection and management of presentations with cutting-edge features.

Key Features:

🖥️ Native PowerPoint Integration: Integrated with the native PowerPoint application for seamless real-time editing of slides, enhancing collaboration and efficiency.

🔄 Versioning & Complex Presentation System: Implemented a sophisticated versioning system for presentations and slides, enabling users to manage complex presentations seamlessly.

🔐 Advanced Permissions Management: Introduced an advanced permissions management module for presentations, ensuring granular control over access and editing rights.

🛠️ Microservices Architecture: Adopted a microservices architecture using BullMQ as a message broker, optimizing system performance and scalability.

⚡ Optimized Slide Editing: Optimized the slide editing process for faster rendering and preview times, enhancing user experience and productivity.

This web platform revolutionizes presentation management, offering real-time editing, versioning, permissions control, and optimized editing processes for unparalleled convenience.