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The game is made on react using scss. View the optimal layout for the game depending on their device's screen size

Play Rock, Paper, Scissors against the computer

Maintain the state of the score after refreshing the browser (optional)

Bonus: Play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock against the computer (optional)


If the player wins, they gain 1 point. If the computer wins, the player loses one point.


Paper beats Rock

Rock beats Scissors

Scissors beats Paper


Scissors beats Paper

Paper beats Rock

Rock beats Lizard

Lizard beats Spock

Spock beats Scissors

Scissors beats Lizard

Paper beats Spock

Rock beats Scissors

Lizard beats Paper

Spock beats Rock

Not sure what Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock is? Check out this clip from The Big Bang Theory.