Android Dev


-       Development tools: IDEA, Android Studio

-       Languages: Java, Kotlin

-       Local databases: SQLite, Room

-       Firebase: Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, Firebase Firestore, Firebase Realtime Database, Firebase ML

-       API: Google Maps API, DJI API, Google translate API

-       Build tools: Gradle

-       Library: Retrofit 2, Picasso, Glide, ButterKnife

-       VCS: Git, Gitlab, GitHub, Bitbacket

-       Another: Android SDK, OOP, SharedPreference, LiveData, Google Ads

-       Design: Figma

-       Arсhitecture: MVVM, MVP, Clean Architecture

-       DI: Koin, Dagger2

-       Multitreading: Kotlin Coroutines, AsyncTask, Tread


1)   Android Developer at Coidea Agency (July 2023 – March 2024)

Create new apps for casino (Games, News, Sports).

Technologies used: MVVM, Navigation graph, LiveData, Kotlin Coroutines, Room

2)   Android Developer at Oxiwyle (September 2022 – August 2023) (Game industry)

Fix bugs, Work with new features, Work with chat for players.

Technologies used: Firebase Firestore, Google traslate, Firebase ML, Java, MVP Participation in projects on a series games: gl=US S &gl=US

3) Android Developer at ScrumLaunch (full-time) may 2021 – august 2022

Participation in projects:

-   Application for streaming sports events

Technologies used: MVVM, LiveData, Kotlin Coroutines, Retrofit, Dagger 2, Rtmp Stream Client, Kotlin

-     Land selling application

Technologies used: MVVM, LiveData, Kotlin Coroutines, Retrofit, Dagger 2, Google Maps,


-     App for truck driver (delivery of goods)

Technologies used: MVVM, LiveData, Kotlin Coroutines, Retrofit, Dagger 2, ButterKnife, Java

4)   Junior Android Developer (part-time employment) 2019 – 2020

Participation in projects:

-  An application for the English school. Development of the UI part of the application according to the layouts in Figma. Setting transitions between screens. Adding animations between screens.

-  Car rental application. Development of the UI part of the application according to the layouts in PhotoShop

-  An application for downloading content from a DJI Mavic drone. Organization of a bridge between phones connected in different countries (based on SDK Bridje App and VPN).

Download content from the DJI Mavic drone.

-  Application for editing and ordering photos. Technologies in the application (Room, MVVM, Retrofit, Koin, LiveData, Kotlin Coroutines

-  Application - simulator of exchange rates. (Parce html, Shapeappearancemodel, ViewModel)

-  Application - tasting vine. (MVVM, Retrofit, Koin, LiveData, Kotlin Coroutines)

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