Переводчик на английский, копирайтер (носитель языка)

I'm a freelance writer who specializes on the following topics: finance, business marketing/branding investing, health, tourism, bass fishing, military (emphasis on recruiting), and poker.

If in you're in search of professional quality translation (Russian/Ukrainian to English) / internet copywriter, my background in business allows me to excel in this department. I have full knowledge of utilizing SEO and up to date methods to not only drive traffic to the site, but also convert visitors into sales.

As an American who has lived in the States all my life, the work is accomplished with a translator who is fluent in Russian and English and as a team we offer a service that is unique. In the sophisticated and competitive age, it is important to use key words and phrases to influence prospective clients. With that said, we as a team are capable of fully satisfying all over your translation needs.
