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Task: to develop a website for a music service based on NFT.

History: an order was received to develop a website for the first NFT-based music service. It was necessary to develop a memorable original design and organically place information for the user.

Result: a fully developed site for a music service. Since the site contains a lot of information and images, a dark, concise background was used for the design to emphasize graphic elements and text. At the design stage, the site was visually divided into several parts, where the performers with whom the service works are presented, as well as all the necessary information that may be of interest to users. Despite the fact that the site contains a lot of graphic elements and text, the design looks harmonious, and the information is structured.

At the development stage, call-to-action buttons were activated and hyperlinks were placed. The frontend developer used React.js technology, while the backend developer used .Node.js.