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p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }Watch Englishfilms in the right way

Thetemptation to see a film without translation occurs my every student

on the certain phase of learning process. Just for сuriosity,

everybody wishes to drown into the real world of live language. In my

turn, I always support these desires, so I'd like to tell you once

again, how exactly it must be done.

1) Youshould watch it thoughtfully and attentively. If you just turn on the

film as a background, it won't give you the desirableresult.

2)Choose a fewinteresting scenes with much dialogue inthem. Listen to them for three times: firstwithout subtitles, to understand the main idea, thenwith subtitles, to hear every word, and without them again for the

third time to keep in mind.

3)You can start from the films which you saw long ago (!) with

translation. This way you won't feel muchdistressed.

4)The film must be supported with some tasks. Anything can fit: someper-watching exercise, oral plot retelling, andeven discussion afterwards.

5)If you can't overcome the whole story from the start to the end, thisis not a problem. Just divide it into someparts, let's say, 20 minutes each. You can always get back to this

later. But don'tpostpone it for long.

I've writtenbefore that this method must be followed with regular lessons. And

films can be watched apart from them. On my opinion, it requires a

tescher's presence, just to have somebody to share the impressions

with, in english, of course.

Everythingis up to you, my friends. In any case, with your favourite films on

hand you will learn the language with joy.