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Разместите заказ на фриланс-бирже и предложения поступят уже через несколько минут.

Workout Planner is your personal fitness trainer. Don't know what type of exercises to choose, or how often to train to achieve results? Workout Planner will solve it for you! All you need to do is just enter your parameters, training goals, and the time you are willing to spend on fitness. Our application will make an individual training plan for you, and you will start to achieve your sports goals. No additional equipment or gym is needed. You can practice at home at your own pace.

What awaits you in Workout Planner:

- A two-click personal training plan;

- Personal recommendations. Your own personal trainer in your pocket;

- Workouts of varying difficulty and duration. Don’t worry, you can start with light workouts and gradually increase the difficulty;

- The ability to train at home and without equipment;

- Detailed instructions for doing the exercises.
