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XXX, hereinafter referred to as the Company, duly represented by Director XXX, acting on the basis of the Articles of Association, on the one hand, and XXX, hereinafter referred to as the Firm, duly represented by Director XXX, acting on the basis of the Articles of Association, on the other hand, both collectively and individually hereinafter referred to as the Parties, guided by the current legislation of the XXX, have entered into this Contract as follows:1. SUBJECT MATTER OF THE CONTRACT.1.1. Taking into account the mutual interests, the Parties have agreed to cooperate in the sharing of experience and the organization of cultural events.2. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES.2.1. With the view of the development of relations between the Company and the Firm in the matter of organization and carrying out of cultural events, the Firm agrees and undertakes:2.1.1. to effect cooperation with the Company in the field of nurturing the relationships and holding the cultural activities of the XXX and XXX artists in the XXX;2.1.2. to hold negotiations on carrying out the cultural events in the territory of XXX upon the Company’s request;2.1.3. in order to share the experience, to ensure the arrival of representatives of the Firm in the XXX, to study the conditions of accommodation services of the artists participating in cultural events in the territory of the XXX;2.1.4. to develop the tour packages “tour + visiting of concert”Providing the information and consulting services stipulated in subparagraphs 2.1.1 – 2.1.4 herein, upon the request of the activities data claimed by the Firm, the Company agrees and undertakes to provide it within the deadlines which have been agreed upon by the Parties. To fulfill the obligations imposed on the Firm according to subparagraphs 2.1.1 – 2.1.4 herein, the Firm undertakes to provide the Company with all required information and documentation.