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(Это перевод критического статуса в социальной сети с грузинского языка на английский, оригинал выдать конечно-же не могу, из-за конфиденциальности, чтобы кто-либо не ввел в поисковик.

Это просто пример моего переводы на английский язык...)

Greek media released the information that Georgian patriarchate is going to send the delegation to the council of Jordan. What is the abovementioned council? Actually, this is the council of Russian-oriented schismatic churches, the main purpose of which is to humiliate Ukrainian autocephaly and the patriarchate of Constantinople. Russian

church tries to show off the patriarchate of Jerusalem as the prior church between others, to provoke conflict with Ecumenicalpatriarchate. So, patriarch Ilia II sends delegation to that kind of tricky FSB

council. I remind, that Shiolashvili refused to visit the Ecumenical Council

arranged by Constantinople (in the arrangement of which our patriarchate took

part during 50 years) in the last moment, by order of Russian. It was shameful, unprecedented obstruction, which humiliated Ecumenical Patriarchate as well as other churches. Georgian orthodox Christians, who became slaves of Russia, should be burned

with shame, for the existence of such sold-out and evil Patriarchate, being sorry and asking for forgiveness of God.

There is no problem with participation in any council itself. However, there are many details: who is being sent, what kind of mandate, what is the

purpose of the council, with whom is agreed, etc. So, if there won’t be

appropriate answers and analyses for these questions, bishops, and secretariat

of patriarchate will “lose” journalists in their demagogy so deeply, that the

last ones won’t even realize (the experience of which we already have with the

example of Council of Crete, Ukrainian autocephaly and another case

Participating in this Council is evil itself. because everybody knows its purpose