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Men make history. This sculpture reflects the opposite

The statue of threereal-life women is about to be unveiled in New York’s Central Park. Currently,

there are only statues of fictitious women like Alice and a real-life dog, Balto. Soon, the statue of three women, who fought for women’s rights, will be placed on a pedestal. Women got their right to vote in the middle of the 19th century. One of the women voted illegally which marked the beginning of the women’s rights movement. Apart from being a beautiful feature of New York’s Central Park, the statue will reflect social values such as equality and justice. These two values remain extremely valuable even now, and they are still on the agenda of many societies today. By having real-lifestatues in Central Park, the role of women in building an equal and free society will be constantly highlighted. People will pay attention to it and share their feelings and thoughts.