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Стоимость проекта $25k



Got goals? Run projects and share them!

Do you have goals that require the attention and commitment of more people than just yourself? Then Amazee is the place for you to be. Amazee is a free platform that allows you to share your goals and gives you the tools to connect with like-minded people to run and promote projects. Whatever your goals are, publicize and pursue them on Amazee! Whether you'd like to assemble a multinational football team or set up a massive number of broadband connections in remote towns in Africa, Amazee is easy to use and growing fast.

Your goals are an expression of your personality and they indicate to the world where you are heading. Show those goals. Achieve them!

So, what exactly can you do on Amazee?

Amazee doesn't only empower you to connect with like-minded people, but it also provides you with some important tools to promote your project and collaborate with your project buddies. For example, you can decide upon the degree of openness of your project, choose who can do what on your project and keep your visitors informed through a project magazine. You can bring together ideas in the discussion section and jointly edit text in the project's writeboard area. You can upload pictures as well as other files and organize events and to dos in a calendar. If you need financial aid, you can look for sponsors. So, compared to regular social networking platforms, Amazee is not primarely about your profile but the profile of your project. In contrast to classic project management tools, Amazee focuses on public social collaboration and not on private corporate collaboration.

How do you get started?

Sign up here or, if you have more questions, please check the learn more or FAQ section.

What technology does Amazee use?

Amazee is built on open-source software. We use Linux, MySQL, Apache and PHP to run our servers and Drupal as an excellent framework for our platform.