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Zane offers the latest generation of Electro heat pumps that extract heat from the air – similar to a reverse cycle air

conditioner – and cost very little to run. The company has

installed commercial solar systems at a diverse range of Australian and

international locations, from Olympic pools,

council pools, hotels and resorts. Our team have been working on 2 main tasks: Firstly, being a nationwide company, Zane has an extensive national presence including Key Regional Centers as well as the

capabilities to engage internationally. Therefore,

we have designed the web page which could easily be replicated and adopted by using administrative tools in order to be used as a web page which represents the same company but different regional office. Secondly, on the behalf of Zane we build the Web Site in the way that any online service that determines CMS, is unable to find that WordPress software was used to create the Web Site. Stage link: http://www.zane.stage.eu.swayart.com/