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This repository contains code for a React application developed to create a user interface for a store with private authentication support. The store includes many features to provide convenience and functionality for users.

DEMO: (main--preeminent-travesseiro-4bf4a2.netlify.app)

  • Private Authentication: Every user must authenticate themselves before using the store, ensuring data security and confidentiality.

  • Product Catalog: We offer a product catalog that can be easily browsed by users. You can search for products in different categories and filter them by price, as well as search by name.

  • Product Creation: Users have the option to create new products and add them to the catalog. This helps keep the product range constantly updated.

  • Add to Cart: Users can add selected products to their cart for convenient order placement.

  • Order Placement: When the cart is filled, users can place an order, specifying delivery and other necessary details.

  • Product Filtering: The product catalog supports the ability to filter by price, sorting them in ascending or descending order. This allows users to quickly find products that meet their requirements.

  • Product Search: The store also features a search function that allows users to find specific products by name.