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If you want to obtain the best results, then you have to get help from a team of professionals. Every scientific project requires a lot of time and persistence. There are many aspects involved in writing a coherent research paper and with some of them, you might not be acquainted. If you truly want to prove your statement through an understandable research paper, then you will need to follow a set of basic rules. How to put together a structure for a research paper? Once you have decided to write a research paper, you will need to have a basic outline of what you want to see in your finished work. It all starts with the general thesis, which runs through your whole project. The number of paragraphs depends exclusively on the number of pages and the amount of research material that you have at hand, but you need to keep in mind that there are certain parts that you can’t skip on. An introduction, body of paragraphs and conclusion are the basic ingredients that represent an absolute necessity when you are putting together a research paper. How to get started with a research paper? If you found yourself in the position where you have to write a research paper, then these steps will help you get through. 1. You will need to dedicate enough time to writing the paper. You will probably need around a month to gather enough information for your thesis and arrange it probably in a draft. A week may be enough and much depends on the chosen topic. Most importantly, you will have to set a plan for yourself and write down the tasks you have to accomplish on each day while you are working on your project. Create room in your schedule for trips to the local library and write an outline. You will have to write the first draft and then revise your paper. It would be better to plan your work during the daytime when the productivity is at its peak unless you are a night person. This way you will be able to keep up with your schedule and won’t have to sacrifice the quality of your work in case you are failing to meet the deadline. 2. Identify the main idea of your research paper. In your work, you will try to answer the main question of your thesis. In case your professor wants to find out about your thesis statement in advance, keep in mind these useful hints: - Don’t overcomplicate matters; don't choose the most difficult or vast subject for your work right away. - Choose a specific thesis. You won’t have to deal with a large idea, which encompasses a lot of research material. It will be easier to focus on a narrow subject. - Your subject has to meet all the requirements. Discuss it with your professor and see if your subject is suitable. See if there is enough material on the Internet, libraries, and magazines for your topic. 3. After you have done preliminary research and have spoken to your professor, you can start planning out the structure and volume of your research paper. Try to answer the question, which you have set in the introductory part of your work. Each paragraph has to be linked to the main topic while discussing different aspects of your thesis. In conclusion, you will have to give your own opinion on the subject based on the researched material.