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Integration and globalization, two vectors of  education development


Education is the main priority direction and the main indicator of development in all the world civilized countries just as the world experience demonstrates us. Getting higher education was always and still is and will be one of the important

milestones in man life and especially in conditions of contemporary world with its tough labor market competition. The example of the Republic of Kazakhstan also confirms this fact with 35% of adult population having a higher education – and

this figure (at the level of 30-35%) is characteristic as well for the countries with developed economy.

Higher education in Kazakhstan as designating the level of education means an upper level of professional education within the three-level system (following general secondary one and professional one) and includes gaining classified knowledge and practical skills that allow to solve theoretical and practical problems for a professional profile.

Within the Strategic plan of higher education development the country government started to realize the long term State

program of education development for 2011-2020 years. Further development of the three-level system of degrees is one of the head goals of the program.

From 2011 the practice of foreign teachers engaged for lecturing in Kazakhstan higher education institutions was introduced as well as the possibility of sending doctoral candidates for scientific studies abroad.  It is necessary to note important steps in introduction of Kazakhstan university “Turan – Astana” teachers foreign study practice, and namely 10 teachers of the university study in Istanbul university IŞIK presently at the program of doctoral studies. The universiy staff holds the work in accordace with the principles of Bologna process as its goal.

As we know Kazakhstan officially joined Bologna declaration in March 2010 and became 47th full competent member of the European zone of higher education. 60 Kazakhstan universities signed the Great Charter of universities. Thus it meant a transfer

to a three-level system of specialists training: bachelor – master – Ph. Doctor, based on the principles of Bologna declaration (known as the Great Charter of universities, June 19th,1999).

The Bologna declaration contains seven key statements:

1.   Accepting the system of comparable degrees by introducing a supplement of diploma for providing the possibility of European citizens employment and increasing international competitive ability of the European system of education. 

2. Introducing two-cycle education: pregraduate and graduate. The first cycle lasts not less then three years. The second one

should lead to a master degree or a doctor degree.  

3. Introducing the European system of credit transfer of study intensity credits for supporting large scaled student mobility (the

system of credits or credit technology of study). It also provides   a student with the right of selecting study disciplines. It is suggested to accept ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) as a basis making it an accumulating system able to work within the concept of “studying during the whole life”.

4.  Significant development of students’ mobility (on the basis of following the upper two points). To increase mobility of teaching staff and other staff by crediting time periods spent by them in the European region. To define standards of transnational education.

5.  Assisting European cooperation in providing quality with the aim of developing comparable criteria and methods.

6.  Introducing intra-university systems of quality control and engaging students and employers in external evaluation

of universities work.

 7.  Assistance in required European views of higher education and especially in the sphere of study plans development,

inter-institutional cooperation, schemes of mobility and joint study programs, practical preparing and conducting scientific researches.

The process of rapprochement and harmonization of education systems of Europe countries within the Bologna declaration with the aim of creating united European higher education zone named as Bologna process where now Kazakhstan as well as Turkey universities take active part.   

Joining of our countries universities the Great Charter of universities which was signed by 650 world universities by now makes it possible to bring the local education closer to the European standards.