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GIZA project is first of all about to launch an innovative hardware wallet. GIZA hardware wallet supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, DASH, Litecoin, Ripple, Stratis, Zcash, and other blockchain-based currencies. Our Device allows users to send and receive payments from each wallet by using our browser extension (Mozilla and Chrome). Outbound transactions will require confirmation on the Device itself, which allows users to work with their cryptowallets even on a compromised computer.

Alongside hardware wallet functionality, GIZA Device provides full-fledged feature of hardware password manager. Password Manager doesn't require any software or mobile app. You can enter your keys and passwords directly from your GIZA device, using it just like a USB Keyboard. As it’s been said previously, the Device is powered by built-in battery which supports hours of autonomous workflow in the active use mode and allows users to generate TAN passwords anywhere.

Two steps authentication is the heart of GIZA’s security system. The idea is to provide flaw-free security in managing password security for token transaction and other security features. When making or accepting transactions on your GIZA hardware wallet you will be asked to provide two level of authentication to verify. This helps you with additional layer of security and troubles unwanted access to your assets. However, it can be used as a self-contained system to be used for verification to access websites, online accounts etc.

GIZA Device will also provide encrypted storage facility, a secure digital storage for managing sensitive information such as digital identities, documents, passwords, etc. of your individual or organisational needs. You can use the GIZA hardware wallet for various data and information for mobility. It provides you with a facility of 16 Gb memory to store valuable files, documents and backups.