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SmartFlow Today’s Vehicles Page is a visualrepresentation of a shop workflow process. It shows the complete life cycle of

the relationships between the motorist, service advisor, technician and shop

owner. So everybody gets a complete visibility of what’s going on in the shop. SmartFlow

Today’s Vehicles Page improves shop’s productivity and maintainability,

simplifies communication with the shop’s customers. Its main features are:

-      Workflow View - contains today’s appointments arranged by workflow steps(like Inspect, Estimate, Pickup and so on)

-      Tech View - contains today’s appointments arranged by techniciansassigned to the selected jobs

-      Sorting and filtering of appointments

-      Drag’n Drop of appointments for changing their priorities

-      SmartFlow Chat – real time conversations between service advisors andtechnicians

-      Changing of the workflow steps and technicians’ assignments

-      Setting special markers for appointments

-      Communication with the customers in a real time (via email, SMS, text messages)

-      Tracking of the technicians working time and productivity, billed andcompleted hours

-      Tracking of the progress in the work order

-      Viewing of inspections reports, service history and OEM recommendations

-      Custom configurations

Used languages and technologies: C#, MVC4, WebAPI, Javascript (JQuery,JQueryUI, KnockoutJS, MomentJS, Touch Punch and a number of other third-party

JS libraries and plugins), HTML5, SignalR

Databases: MS SQL Server 2012

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2012