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Необходимо написать ЭССЕ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ на заданную тему длинной в 1500-1600 слов. Главные требования: 

There must be an INTRODUCTION, in which you will explain the general topic, a brief analysis of it, as well as the key questions this brings up. 

To achieve depth of analysis on the topic, bibliographic material should be gathered through readings and studying the media, books and magazines; therefore, avoiding the summary of information to be based only on personal points of views.

The content of the essay should consist  your own arguments and analysis based on books, magazines and practical professional experience. The key to a good research assignment is the well-reasoned argumentation, and not the transcription of ideas from a text with little relevance.

The work must have some CONCLUSIONS, which summarize the main findings (generated after researching the topic on print media

and books), giving concise answers to the questions that have been formulated in the INTRODUCTION.

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