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Нужен диплом на английском на следующую тему:

"Value Drivers behind CRM adoption in financial services industry"

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Данные все собраные и анализ проведен. Case study из 43 адаптаций собраны и будут предоставлены. Все графы тоже уже обработаны.

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Содержание диплома:

1 Decide to explore CRM adoption, what is the value generated for the business and what are the main drivers behind main investements. Develop general CRM adoption framework.

· Decide to focus on the financial services industry, since the industry has experienced extensive growth over the past 30 years and is an industry where importance of client service can not be stressed enough.

- Develop the value driver frame work from the literature, which will form the backbone of our research (the 11 drivers identified and sorted: revenue; expense; IT)

- Develop framework for differentiation of various firms operating based on size and service area operating in the financial services industry.

2 Create our hypothesis and research question. We will analyze full enterprise (notice not at departmental level; but full pledged sales organization wide) CRM adoption case studies in the financial services industry worldwide. Analyze which if any of our 11 generic value drivers were used in business cases to justify the project.

· Relevance of research: provide value for CRM vendors to see what the general trends are for the clients in financial sector, whether they need to focus on specific functionality in designing the software and how to effectively sell the product to the clients, which points to stress. For financial services companies this research will help reflect what competition is doing in regards to the

· Research approach, get a list of CRM vendors offering enterprise suite CRM products and request case studies from their experience of integrating CRM to firms operating in the financial services industry

· Read and analyze these case studies filling in client profile in regards to size and scope of work performed (service area) moving on to comparing value drivers behind crm adoption.

3 Analyze data gathered

· Grand total of 43 case studies analyzed:

- 23% inv. Services; 19% advisory services etc.

- 28% mid size; 21% small size etc.

· Operational Efficiency came out as the most commonly used value driver; Client service improvement #2 etc.

· Client Data Quality (consistency of client data) turns out not to be a value driver for CRM adoption; so is Self-Service functionality (ability to access ones account information directly from the client side). The rest of the factors in order of importance

· In the analysis of value drivers correlated to firm scope/size:

- Goal of CRM adoption in retail banking is heavily driven by Client Service improvement

- Advisory Services do not seek Sales Pipeline improvement from CRM products, while Investment services are the opposite

- Risk Management improvement is important for Commercial Banking and Advisory Services, while not for insurance sector

- Reporting/performance metrics creates value for Commercial banking, while not doing much for Insurance services

- DMS systems integration seems to capture the minds of advisory services

- Client Data Strategic Value is thought for in a third of all clients and benefits of single platform integration are obvious to 60% of the companies studied.

- Sales Pipeline improvement is an objective specifically for Large Companies, while not being so for small firms

- Medium size companies seem not to seek out increase in Marketing Effectiveness on CRM adoption

- Small Medium companies see specific value in better reporting / performance metrics

4 Conclusions

· It seems that out of 11 value drivers selected only 9 were relevant

· Within the industry sector there are indeed differences in value thought from through adaptation of a CRM system

· The size of the company is rather subjective and the trends observed were rather limited

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