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Each of us is one of a kind! And all of our amazing emotions deserves to become pleasant memories! Be reminded about them and relive them again. Be reminded how amazing you are. You deserve to experience it all again!

TIME CAPSULE is a mobile application for creating and storing reminders from photos and videos, for individuals, companies and organizations. It's like digital time capsules! A simple way to bring the important moments of our digital ‘self’ back to life, simple way to experience our emotions again and enjoy our memories even more.

Download and try it!

Технологический стек:

— нативная iOS-разработка на Swift

— библиотека Alamofire для загрузки данных

— Google FCM для Push-уведомлений

— Встроенные карты Google

— In-App Purchases (покупки внутки приложения)