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Meet DINA, the only weather app that understands that weather is subjective and unique to every individual. DINA provides personalized, hyperlocal weather reports that break down the weather in terms of the clothes you need to wear, whilst also providing you with all the nitty-gritty details

DINA uses deep learning neural networks and artificial intelligence to recommend the right clothes at the right time - specifically for you. These predictions take into account current weather conditions, your physical characteristics and your personal preferences

Технологический стек:

— нативная Android-разработка на Kotlin

— библиотека Retrofit для загрузки данных

— база данных Android Room для хранения данных

— Push-уведомления через Firebase Cloud Messaging

— Android Navigation Components

— работа с API-сервисами внешних поставщиков погоды

— Dependence Injection с Hilt Framework