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Full stack of work was done by me, including :

VPS initial setup nginx configuration

PM2 process manager configuration


- Node.js

- Express web framework

- Handlebars templating

- i18next internationalization framework

- Redis in-memory data store as primary data store

- Websocket is used for a real-time data receiving from third-party resourse development tools

- Webpack module builder


- Bootstrap 4


- Handlebars templating

- i18next internationalization used for client side rendering too


- widely usage of lodash and async libraries

Handlebars templating and i18next internationalization used for both client and side rendering, in other words if the page loads for the first time, it will be loaded server rendered html + javascript, after that if you click any internal link of the site, then only a JSON data will be loaded and a handlebars template will be rendered in the bwowser.