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Добрый день! Планируется к запуску веб-проект, в основе которого будут информационные страницы, формируемые участниками социальной сети автоматически и в ручную. Информационные страницы должны быть редактируемы всеми пользователями.

Проект будет на английском, посему запрос предложения также на английском языке:

We are looking for a freelance specialist for setting up a CMS based social networking web-site.

In your proposal please include your choice of web-site engine (with a brief explanation of the choice), your quote and a time approximation for the job. Please also include a short descriptions of your/your team’s credentials and experience. If applicable, you may split up the proposal into separate tasks and indicate the timing and fee for each.

1. The web-site (”WS”) is a start up sports social network (“SN”) and information web-site with a number of information pages for leagues, players, teams, games, arenas, etc.. SN shall be established as a set of interconnected databases.

2. SN databases shall include:

a. The key database is the [PLAYERS] database. After registration and preauthorization through e-mail (automatic autorisation for a number of domains, e.g. *@xyz.com, manual authorization for remainder) a profile page is created for each player who inputs data about himself as detailed below. Such profile shall initially include information entered by a player during registration process. The bits of information within each player’s profile shall include the following information which shall also form basis for other databases:

i. the [LEAGUE] a player is playing in

ii. the [TEAM] a player is part of

iii. the [GAMES] a player has participated in

iv. the teams with whom the player played with appropriate links to teams profiles in [TEAMS] database

v. the [ARENAS] where the games took place

After a profile has been created appropriate record is made to other relevant databases to include the player’s data, simultaneously the player receives a right to make corrections and amendments to the cells in all databases which are relevant to such player.

As and when the player feeds his information into the SN, the system shall automatically create links to separate pages of other relevant databases, say [TEAMS] or [LEAGUES] etc.

The player shall also add information about the sports school, the leagues, the teams etc. he used to be part of and the WS shall make appropriate links to the relevant pages of [TEAMS] and [LEAGUES] databases etc.

The player profile page shall include cups (see below) in respect of all games where the player participated

b. the [TEAMS] database shall include information fed in by each player and contain the following:

i. the league the team plays in with appropriate links to [LEAGUES] database

ii. name of the team and the list of team players with links to their profiles in the [PLAYERS] database

iii. information when each player joined the team and the information on previous members of the team with appropriate links to [PLAYERS] database

iv. team structure – to be based on the input of the players [How many forwards, goalkeepers etc.]

v. information on the games the team participated in with links to the game profile in the [GAMES] database

vi. which arena the games were played at with links to arena profile in the [ARENA] database

vii. planned games – based on the players’ inputs with links to the [GAMES] database

viii. the team profile page shall include cups (see below) in respect of all games where the team participated

c. [GAMES] database shall include the following information based on the player’s input:

i. When did the game take place?

ii. Who played in the game? + appropriate link to team profiles in [TEAMS] database

iii. On which arena did the game take place? + appropriate link to the profile of the arena in the [ARENAS] database

iv. Which team was playing at home/away?

v. Brief description of the game

vi. Who from each team played in the game? + appropriate link to the profile of the team members in the [PLAYERS] database

d. [ARENAS] database shall include the following:

i. Name and description of the arena

ii. A list of games which took place on such arena with appropriate links to [GAMES] database

iii. A list of teams and players within each team who played on the arena with appropriate links to [TEAMS] and [PLAYERS] databases etc.

iv. Description of the arena

v. Other details of the arena (acreage etc.)

3. SN shall have all the usual social network features: registering, profiles, making friends, etc

4. Not much attention is to be paid to all the multimedia stuff, i.e. images/video/sound sharing – this is not necessary at the first stage of development of WS. If applicable, there should be limits as to how many multimedia items each player can upload

5. When a member is registering for the SN, and enters a team that he was a member of, this team is added to the relevant database ([TEAMS]), if not yet there.

6. If the team is already in the [TEAMS] database, then its database entry is amended and the new member is added as a participant for a specified time period (as per the members registration form)

7. E.g. in their registration form the user indicates that they played on a baseball team “The Baseballers” in 1996-99. He is then queried to enter a description of the team, as well as its location and some significant games that he participated in when being a member of the team. If this is the first time that this team is mentioned, than a new entry is generated in TD. A description and a location are now filed for that team. An event is also generated in other databases. This event’s entry in the events databases contains info regarding the time, date, description (a number of fields) and the team and team member that participated in the event. WS visitors can get to the team webpage either via the [TEAMS] webpage, or via the members profile.

8. They can then amend the data as they wish (if they feel that it is wrong or not full).

9. All changes are to be tracked in special log databases with indication of the editor’s identity.

10.The WS should have a flexible user interface, e.g. allow to compile different pages using data from databases in different colors, fonts, etc.

11.The WS shall also be ready for future add-ons, both design-wise and function-wise

12.The system shall allow for online edition by the moderators who are not specialist programmers

13.The initial set of web-pages /templates should include:

a. First page (site description, invitation to register, links to relevant sections)

b. Social network (typical SN interface)

c. Teams, Leagues, Games, Arena, Players webpages

Shall you have any questions, I will be happy to address them!

14 лет назад
38 летРоссия
14 лет в сервисе
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