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The concept of idea is to build a cyber grave with all features of real grave yard

1.Design and layout should remind clients of real grave.

2.Cyber grave yard should be as for humans and for their beloved pets.

3.Also it should made of “modules” so in future it would be easier to add new languages, new features, addons and so on.

4.Billing system

I wonder, how much would this project cost approximately?

Cyber Graveyard

Once upon a time, I was having an idea about cyber graveyard. Since those days a lot of people were talking about making money out of dead people.

Thus the other day Lilian was asking me for suggestion of some domain names and 'kubur.net' came up. So I brought the cyber graveyard idea up again when chatting with her.

Since a small number of people are complaining that graveyards all over the world are taking up unnecessary space, especially Chinese cemeteries, cyber graveyards might not be a bad idea afterall. At least you won't have to endure the congestion and jams during Ching Ming.

Here are some light-hearted points...

1. Cat die, fish die also can have cemetery online. The deceased can choose to get 'buried' along with his dogs, cats and Sea Monkeys.

2. You can pay visit to the grave site from anywhere in the world as long as you have internet access.

3. No need so susah looking up and down for real grave site. Can just search with built-in search engine according to date, sex, name, cause of death, religion etc.

4. Reminders can be emailed to relatives to remind them during anniversaries.

5. During Ching Ming, payment can be made via Paypal and I cook and eat on their deceased behalf.

6. Hungry ghost festival, I run porn shows.

7. Can buy virtual stuff online and burn virtually from anywhere in the world. Cheap and won't pollute air.

8. No fear of physical vandalism to real tombstones which takes hundreds and thousands to repair.

9. No need to pull lalang, or if you prefer, can grow virtual lalang. Then you cut virtual lalang using virtual scissors or lawn mower or virtual remote control helicopter in inverted flight.

10. Can set up 24 hours virtual candles and joss sticks burning and 24/7 monk chanting or religious song singing. Can spray virtual holy water too.

11. Can group people together and pray at one go. No need to go from grave to grave, save time and energy.

12. Not to mention feng shui, you can upload feng shui ornaments onto the webpage and bring good luck to the future generations.

13. Instead of still pic, visitor can watch the 'last speech' videos for extra fees, or video clips of the deceased when alive.

14. Everyone got lucky 4D registration number, the last four digits of the serial number. Can sell those special numbers like JPJ car number tender. Tender and buy in advance. You want to book first? Got special discount. Bulk purchase can have more discount.

15. Then we can use flash macromedia to make the person alive and dancing also. 3D CG heaven with lots of virgins can be created.

16. And make a list of famous people dying the same date as the deceased. "Oh look, Bruce Lee died on the same day too!"

18 лет назад
78 летМакедония
18 лет в сервисе
16 лет назад
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