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Комментарии к стилю начитки:

Манера чтения - немного панковая, с вызовом, но с пониманием что мы делаем хорошее дело.

Небольшая провокация в сторону властей которые не следят за своими обязанностями.

референсы: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vg6gsBTmt8 (основной)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWv89oF6CBE (только не так много жеванности речи, не настолько по техасски)

музыка которая будет использоваться в ролике (для понимания настроения)


Текст 1 (233 слова):

Nearly 200 million people require a wheelchair to move around. But no wheelchair can help here… here… and on thousands of other ramp-shaped deathtraps. Umm, are you kidding me? [удивление с недоумением, легкая насмешка] Accessibility features for wheelchair users are often so dangerous, they’re only fit for daredevils. To raise awareness of the issue, we found the most extreme wheelchair rider in the world. Aaron “Wheelz” Fotheringham and the action sports company Nitro Circus present the PARARAMPS [ударение на последнюю А] TOUR. First of all, we asked people to share the sketchiest disabled ramps they saw — and plotted our tour between them. We staged a show on each of the ramps, to demonstrate that doing stunts is the only thing they’re good for. Content we filmed on tour was posted to Nitro Circus online profiles, so that as many people as possible were appalled like we were. Our team liked these ramps so much that we… [пауза 1 секунда] took ‘em home. And worked them into a Nitro Circus show! This way, we once again emphasized that “extreme” wheelchair ramps have no place in everyday life. In their place, we’ve built safer ones, to drive the point home for people (cough, cough) whose actual job is to do it. We met support from the public and the media, with headlines that clearly upset a lot of city mayors along our tour route. How about letting disabled people decide if they want to do extreme sports? [c небольшим вызовом] (And if you do… You know who to call).

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