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Windows CE, .NET or Java runtime

What we need,

is a program for Pocket-PC that (in a first step) only measures areas with GPS and outputs the list of

points as WGS84 into a file. It should calculate perimeter and area based on the UTM coordinate

reference system. I may give you the necessary formulas.

At first it would be sufficient to use an 1:1 system, it means each measurement/field in a separate file.

Program structure - initial screen:

1. Configuration

2. Files

3. Measurement

4. Statistics



 GPS-settings (port, baud rate, bits, parity, stop bits)

 GPS-quality (max. DOP-value)

 Survey: Intervall in seconds, beep-on-measure (yes/no) , initial scale, raster width


 Create new file

 Select existing file


 Go, Pause, Average, End

Go/Pause on the same harware key (Calendar key)

Average/Ready: the ToDo-key, averages several points

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