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NIKITOVA, a global US company with game production studios in Ukraine, is an established key development partner with many first-rate US publishers and developers.

We are seeking an experienced Producer to work in game development Nintendo Wii, Sony PSP and Nintendo DS platforms.

Position is open at Nikitova Kiev studio, Ukraine.

Job description:

• Collaborating with Art, Design and Programming to develop titles from concept to release content

• Works quickly and efficiently within short development cycles and strict deadlines

• Define schedules and milestones in collaboration with the team and publisher

• Manage production, ensuring all quality objectives and delivery dates are executed

• Liaise with the publisher, license holders, external QA, translation houses, consultants, platform holders and all third parties involved in the development process

• Communicate project perspectives and requirements throughout the team, both to the top and the bottom of the company, in order to facilitate clearly shared team objectives

• Coaching, mentoring and training, strong effective team building and management


• Work experience in games production in different positions for at least 3 years

• 2 or more shipped games titles (or 1 games and 1 film/tv program) in last 5 years

• Excellent knowledge of game production methodologies, pipelines and technical requirements.

• Experience developing and maintaining schedules and budgets

• Able to balance production considerations of quality and creativity with resource, time and cost in decision-making

• Excellent project management and organizational skills.

• Strong interest and experience in work with international markets and representatives of different cultures

• Strong negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution skills

• Effective communication skills across all levels of an organization

Job Conditions:

• Office setting – Kiev, Ukraine

• Full Time work

• Reporting VP of Production of the Company

• Readiness for business trips

• Salary range: dependent upon performance at interview

Contact Info:

Visit: http://www.nikitova.com

E-mail: [email protected]

15 лет назад
Anna Piskun 
NaN летУкраина
15 лет в сервисе
14 лет назад