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Условие задачи:

"Joanne Krol wants to purchase a newer model automobile to replace her rusty 1989 car.

The bank where Joanne has a checking account, US Bank, is advertising an annual interest rate of 6.75 percent for a three-year loan on used cars. By selling her old car and using some cash she has accumulated, Joanne has $3,000 available as a down payment. Under her current budget, Joanne figures that the maximum monthly loan payment she can afford is $300. She wants to find out the maximum car price she can afford and keep the monthly payment no higher than $300. She cannot alter the interest rate or the three-year term. Use the Excel Goal Seek command to figure out the highest purchase price Joanne can afford."

Нужно сделать срочно, пишите в заявке стоимость.

15 лет назад
41 годРоссия
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41 годУкраина
16 лет в сервисе
14 лет назад
66 отзывов(-3)
15 лет назад
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