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TOYOTA Focuses on refreshing brand by redesigning interior completely.(e.g. Corolla 11th generation from 1966 till now) Investing brand development rather than throwing more money at discounts and incentives because strong brand identity increases leverage, margins and ultimately sales. Generating immediate and significant growth in market share by acquiring an existing vehicle manufacturer (e.g. Proton in Malaysia) 

TOYOTA Replicating and extending the successful Toyota way across Asia –especially South East Asia which is a growth market for smaller vehicles in particular. Developing relationship or JV’s like Kirloskar group in India. Need to conduct market research to understand the specific future requirements in Asian markets. Market specific low price vehicles (like Nano in India)

TOYOTA Build upon the success on Prius and RAVEV technology including electric and lithium battery models. Research the global markets that are most receptive to adopt these fuel efficient, smaller vehicles. 

TOYOTA Toyota already has a pilot project in Aichi, Japan with the aim of bringing the carbon footprint of a smart house down 70% from a conventional house that uses a gasoline car. Less competition Portfolio Diversification Toyota financial services 

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