Найдите исполнителя для вашего проекта прямо сейчас!
Разместите заказ на фриланс-бирже и предложения поступят уже через несколько минут.

Сервер заблокировали и прислали причину (хотя серер еще никак не использовался, скрипты еще не были загружены, покупался месяц назад):

Hetzner Online GmbH • Industriestr. 25 • 91710 Gunzenhausen • Germany

Tel.: +49 9831 505-0

Fax: +49 9831 505-3

[email protected]


Dear Sir or Madam

Your server with the above-mentioned IP address has carried out an attack on another server on the Internet.

This has placed a considerable strain on network resources and, as a result, a segment of our network has been adversely affected.

Your server has therefore been deactivated as a precautionary measure.

A corresponding log history is attached at the end of this email.

For guidelines on how to proceed next please see:

http://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Leitfaden_bei_Serversperrung/enIf you have any questions or requests, please send us a support request via your Robot administration interface (https://robot.your-server.de).

Please log in to Robot using your login. Then click on the user icon in the upper right hand corner and then on "Support". Under "Unblock requests" please select the corresponding Blocking ID and return the completed form to us.

We shall reply to your support request as soon as we can.

Best regards

6 лет назад
39 летУкраина
15 лет в сервисе
5 месяцев назад