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Требуется разработать базу данных переводчиков. Менеджер будет работать с базой:

1. Вводить в формы записи о новых переводчиках (несколько типов вводимой информации: числа, текст, да/нет, выбрать одно из, выбрать несколько из.

2. Делать в базу данных запросы по переводчикам (направление перевода, стоимость работы)

ТЗ (на английском) ниже:


Here are the data I need to enter for every translator. Written below should be a data entry form, I think.

0. Unique ID (unique integer)

1. First name (text box, should be marked as required)

2. Last Name (text box)

3. Date of birth (text box with enterable values restricted to YYYY-MM-DD

4. Place of residence (selection list, default value must be "Unknown", the first in the list must be "Kazan" the last must be other, selection of which would open text box for typing in

5. Written translation languages (checkbox, options are names of languages that have ever been entered before to this table (base) for any other entry. Selection of the last option "Other" must open a text entry box. Several translation languages should be enterable. For instance there are English, Russian, German and Turkish languages that make an exhaustive list of operating languages of translators entered to database before. When I introduce a new translator to database and one of his operating languages is French, I would do it by selecting "Other" from the list and typing "French" in the box.)

6. Translation pairs: a set of translation pairs must be formed with each language spoken by the translator corresponding with each language except for that language, translation pair consisting from the same two languages and put in reverse order (like "English-Russian" and Russian-English) should be considered as different language pair . For instance, if he speaks En, De, Fr and Tr there should be 4*3=12 pairs (in alphabetal order):

De-En, De-Fr, De-Tr, En-De, En-Fr, En-Tr, Fr-En, Fr-De, Fr-Tr, Tr-De, Tr-En, Tr-Fr

7. For each pair, the following data should be entered:

a. quality (selection list: perfect / very good / good / tolerable / poor)

b. price per unit (integer entry box)

c. unit (selection list. 1800 chars with spaces or source word)

d. currency (selection list. RUR / USD / EUR)

e. comment (text box)

8. Preferred topics (like Engineering, Economy, Law, Medicine…): checkbox, "Other" option allowing entry of a new topic.

9. Oral interpreting. All the same as for c. 5-7, with an additional Y/N radio button after c. 6: Simultaneous translation : Y/N


Также должна быть предусмотрена возможность добавнения полей ввода (например, 10. Возраст переводчика 11. Используемый переводчиком софт).

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37 летРоссия
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