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 Oncology is one of the most widespread areas of medicine, which is the most common cause of death in the world.  To this day, the concept of cancer remains a problematic issue.  Scientists are not able to say with certainty why the process of formation of cancer cells begins in the body.  The causes of the development of malignant tumors include, mainly, exposure to carcinogenic substances, transferred viral diseases, hereditary predisposition and even lifestyle.  Among deadly diseases, it ranks second only after cardiovascular diseases.  However, there are ways to reduce the risk of getting cancer. Quit smoking.  If you quit smoking, the probability of developing a cancerous tumor in the lungs will decrease by 90 percent.  In addition, the chances of a life without cancer of the lip, tongue, liver and a dozen other organs increase significantly.  Smoking is a proven risk factor for the development of bladder cancer.  The development of cancerous tumors is influenced not only by carcinogens from tobacco smoke, but also by nicotine - it increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer.  After quitting smoking, you will also have to give up cigarette substitutes - patches or chewing gum. Get rid of alcohol.  Even reducing the strength of alcohol will reduce the risk of cancer of the liver, esophagus, oral cavity, throat and other parts of the digestive tract by at least half.  If you do not drink alcohol even in adolescence, the risk of neoplasms in the mammary glands in women decreases from 3 to 5.5 times - but they can also turn into cancerous tumors.  Giving up alcohol at an older age reduces the risk of breast cancer by 25 percent.  Men who abstain from alcohol suffer from prostate cancer 60 percent or more less often. Give up sweet and smoked.  Replacing sausage, sausages, bacon and other meat products in the diet with regular lean meat reduces the risk of colon cancer by 20 percent.  Reducing the consumption of processed meat to 70 g per week already allows to reduce the risk of cancer by 10 percent.  Avoiding sugary soda and products containing refined sugar reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer by 87 percent. Maintain a normal weight.  Extra kilograms in 15-20 percent of cases lead to the development of cancerous tumors.  If the body mass index does not rise above 25 units, the risk of developing breast cancer in women is reduced by 2 times.  And the chances of getting breast cancer are 4-6 times higher.  Among men who monitor their body weight, liver cancer is 6 times less common, stomach and rectal cancer is 75 percent less common, and pancreatic cancer is 2 times less common. Eat vegetables and fruits They contain natural protection against cancer - bioflavonoids.  In addition, lovers of vegetables and fruits eat significantly less fat and, as a rule, maintain a normal weight, which further reduces the risk of developing tumors Sunbathe properly.  Do not go to the beach after 11:00 and before 16:00.  Be sure to protect your skin with special sun protection products.  After all, the risk of developing the most common skin cancer - melanoma - is 20 times higher in light-skinned people than in those protected by dark pigment.  Avoid tanning in the solarium.  The World Health Organization considers artificial tanning to be a serious risk factor for the development of skin cancer.  In those who start visiting the solarium before the age of 30, oncological diseases of the skin develop 75 percent more often. Visit your doctor regularly.  Especially if there have already been cases of cancer in your family.  For example, if there were cases of breast cancer among relatives on the maternal line, the probability of developing cancer in a woman increases to 50 percent.  Experts recommend regularly undergoing the so-called screening examination - a quick and fairly simple diagnosis of oncological diseases.  For example, mammography (examination of the breast gland) should be done starting at the age of 40.  And men of the same age should regularly check the state of the prostate gland in order to timely diagnose the development of a cancerous tumor - the most common type of cancer in men.  Experts say that it is impossible to completely prevent the risk of cancer, but it is possible to reduce it as much as possible.  Give up bad habits, eat right and rest, do not forget about timely visits to the doctor - and cancer will have very little left

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